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Why Clean Eating Isn't Enough Anymore for Ideal Health

People tell me all of the time that their plan for better health is to follow a Paleo diet, and while I would agree that Paleo or "clean eating" is absolutely critical as a base for any program that addresses your health, it certainly is not going to be enough to save us from the major health and weight issues that we face today. It may have been perfectly sufficient for people in Paleoltihic times, but in case you hadn’t noticed, things have changed a bit around here with our food supply since then. Don’t misunderstand me... There is nothing wrong with following a Paleo diet. Eating clean is better than 99% of the programs out there claiming to be good for you while containing artificial sweeteners, color dyes, and known cancer-causing ingredients that are ok because they are within the calorie allotment for the day. Ummmm. Let me know how that works out for you.. Eating clean is the first step toward better health, but certainly not the last. In Paleo times,

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